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Memory Eternal!

A section on the official website of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA dedicated to departed clergy and their matushkas.

Let their memories be eternal! 

Archpriest Emil Minkovich

Archpriest Nikolai Babijtchouk 

Archpriest John Kassatkin

Deacon Michael Bishop
Cleric of Holy Trinity Church in Baltimore, MD

Member of the Bishop's Council

Matushka Pamela Ann Micek


Member of the Bishop's Council

Archpriest Vincent Saverino

( - 2018)

Rector Emeritus of St. Michael Church, Philadelphia, PA

Archpriest Carlos Chacon


Rector of Holy Protection Church, Mexico

Deacon Michael Creighton

(1928 - 2016)

Cleric of Our Lady of Kazan Church, San Diego CA

Archimandrite Illya (Barna)


Rector Emertius of St. Michael Church, Redford, MI

Archpriest Paul White

(1936 -  2015)

Rector of St. Nicholas Church, Wilkes Barre, Pensylvania

Archpriest Sergei Kosich

(1960 - 2012)

Rector of St. John the Baptist Church, Little Falls NJ

Priest Michael Sydek


Cleric of St. Nicholas Church, Reading PA

Protodeacon Michael Stulpin


Cleric of St. Andrew Cathedral, Philadelphia PA

Archpriest Stephen Holowatch


Rector of Holy Nativity Church, Youngstown OH

Protodeacon Samuel Beronja


Cleric of St. Elias Church, Battle Creek MI

Archpriest Alexander Krenicki

(1932 - 2010)

Retired Rector of St. Nicholas Church, Bayonne NJ

Archpriest Feodor Kovalchuk


Rector Emeritus, Holy Nativity Church, Youngstown OH

Matushka Jane Barna



Matushka Pauline White



Matushka Anna Kovalchuk



Archpriest Michael St. Andrew

( - 2006)


Archpriest Gregory Onisko

(1916 - 1998)


Archpriest Eugene Carroll

( - 1995)


Archpriest George Burdikoff 

(- 1993)


Archpriest Dennis Havrilliak

( - 1990)

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Bishop of Sourozh
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