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St. Innocent Church sanctifies New Chapel in honor of St. John of Shanghai

On Sunday, 2 July 2023 (The Feast of St. John the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco), the Chapel of St. John the Wonderworker was blessed and dedicated for prayer and services on the property of St. Innocent of Irkutsk Orthodox Church! Fr. Joshua, Rector of St. Innocent, presided over the dedication service immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Serving with Fr. Joshua were the Hierodeacon Seraphim (Balagtas), Subdeacon William Powell, and several altar servers, as well as the parish choir of St. Innocent.

This Chapel is the result of thousands of letters being written to St. John and placed at his shrine and before his relics within the temple of St. Innocent. Having received so many blessings from St. John, the parishioners and friends of the parish came together to create a Chapel in his honor where prayers could be offered to the Saint 24/7. Soon, Akathists, Molebens, and Divine Liturgies will also be served in the Chapel of St. John.

This Chapel marks the continued spiritual growth of St. Innocent of Irkutsk parish, particularly with young families and new converts to the Orthodox faith, all of whom are drawn to the presence and care of St. John the Wonderworker!

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